Help “Bridge the Gap” by becoming a Medical Interpreter

Augusta University Health will be offering the annual “Bridging the Gap” (BTG) medical interpreters training on March 20, 22, 25, 27 and 29. The course is an introductory medical interpreters training licensed by the nationally recognized Cross Cultural Health Care Program (CCHCP) in Seattle, Washington. BTG provides a minimum of 40 hours of training as recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health.

The course was developed in part due to the rigid requirements to utilize trained, qualified medical interpreters with which hospitals and other health care facilities must comply in order to meet the needs of the Limited English Proficient patients.  This medical interpreter’s course is an intensive and comprehensive five day course that will provide the participant with a strong foundation in the profession of Medical Interpreting. The course includes intensive role play allowing the interpreter to immediately practice the skills taught.

Prerequisite for the course: The student must participate in a language assessment via telephone to demonstrate fluency in English and one other language.

The course covers:

  • Professional Code of Ethics by the International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA), and National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)
  • Standards of Practice
  • The Role of the Interpreter
  • Modes of Interpreting
  • Interpreter Role Playing
  • Interpretation Techniques
  • Interpreter Protocol
  • Interpreting Logistics
  • Medical Terminology
  • Body Systems & Their Functions
  • Guide to common medications
  • Professional Development
  • Legislation related to the field of interpreting (Title VI-1964 Act, ADA and HIPAA)
  • Cultural Competency
  • Advocacy

Students must attend all five days and pass the final written exam in order to earn a certificate of successful completion.

The course fee is $800.00 per participant.  The charges include the required language assessment (nonrefundable), training and all course materials.

Feel free to contact AU Health, Interpreter and Translation Services at 706-721-6929, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m., or contact Monique Smith to register.

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Written by
Kashalah Robinson
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