A woman holds up an award plaque while standing next to a man.
Vanessa Everett, DPT, receives the Outstanding Faculty Award for the College of Allied Health Sciences from Lester Pretlow, PhD, dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences. [Michael Holahan/Augusta University]

Faculty Spotlight: Vanessa J. Everett, DPT

Outstanding Faculty Award for the College of Allied Sciences

As soon as Vanessa Everett, DPT, graduated with her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Clarkson University in 2010, she knew it was time for a big life change.

The New York native was tired of the snow and ready for more fun in the sun. After interviewing at locations up and down the East Coast, she found Walton Rehabilitation Hospital in Augusta and fell in love.

Seven years later, she started teaching in the physical therapy department at Augusta University and never looked back.

Now the director of clinical education and assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy in the College of Allied Health Sciences, Everett said she loves developing relationships with the students and watching them succeed in the clinic.

“I want to be a leader who leads by example by being honest, forward-looking and inspirational. These qualities will help me grow the clinical education curriculum within the Department of Physical Therapy, leading to improved partnerships with our clinical education affiliates, our university and our local community partners.”

Vanessa Everett, DPT

“As director of clinical education, I get to constantly interact with every learner while they are on their full-time clinical rotations,” she said. “I get to hear all their successes and guide them through any difficulties or challenges they may have.”

She is thankful to Colleen Hergott, chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, and her colleagues for the nomination.

“This award is an incredible honor, and I am so appreciative and grateful,” Everett said. “It has given me confidence in my abilities as an educator and motivated me to continue to strive toward being an effective, caring teacher and a collaborative team member.”

She strives to positively impact every learner and colleague that she works with.

“I want to be a leader who leads by example by being honest, forward-looking and inspirational,” Everett said. “These qualities will help me grow the clinical education curriculum within the Department of Physical Therapy, leading to improved partnerships with our clinical education affiliates, our university and our local community partners.”

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Written by
Karen Klock

Karen Klock is the communications coordinator at Augusta University. You can reach her at kklock@augusta.edu.

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