Augusta University’s Study Abroad Office is hosting a virtual session to inform faculty about international programming at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18.
The Virtual Exchange workshop is designed to introduce university faculty members to the concept of virtual international programming, overviewing the types and structures that exist to support virtual internationalization of university coursework as well as the benefits and advantages of the virtual format.
During the session, a variety of real virtual exchange session examples will be presented to illustrate possibilities, with ample time left for discussion, questions and answers, and brainstorming.
“During this time, while faculty, students and staff can’t travel, there are still opportunities to explore the world in a classroom,” said Maria Darley, director for Study Abroad. “This workshop is being hosted to help faculty see new possibilities of how they can tie the world to their classrooms. This is a newer concept in higher education and it is really taking off during this time.”
The session will be hosted by the Global Learning Collective, a small consortium of regionally based and specialized international program partner organizations.
Learn more about Study Abroad.