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Craig Albert, PhD

Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies

Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.

Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies

Alicia Arnold, DO

Breast Surgical Oncologist

Dr. Alicia Arnold is an expert in breast cancer, cancer surgery and cancer survivorship.

Cancer Breast Cancer Cancer Survivorship Surgical Oncology

Marc Austin, PhD

Associate Provost, Dean of Augusta University Online

Senior business leader in higher ed professional and workforce development.

Online Education Micro-Credential Development Higher Education Strategy and Operations Online Learning and Student Service Models Professional and Executive Education

Babak Baban, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Dental College of Georgia

Babak Baban, PhD, is a professor, immunologist and associate dean for research at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Lung Cancer Oral Biology Cancer

Melissa Bemiller, PhD

Associate Professor of Social Sciences

Dr. Bemiller's research focuses on violent victimization: homicide, sex crimes, and portrayals of violence in mass media.

Sex Crimes Child Abuse Homicide Violent Victimization Portrayals of Violence in Mass Media

Teal Benevides, PhD, OTR/L

Associate Professor & Director of Faculty Development, Institute of Public and Preventive Health

Teal Benevides has a passion for addressing disparities among those on the autism spectrum, including racial and ethnic minorities.

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Autism Services Autism Research and Treatment Mental Health Research Services and Support Adults With Autism

Candis Bond, PhD

Director, Writing Center; Assistant Professor of English

Professor Bond is an expert in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Composition and Women's and Gender Studies.

Identity Construction Intersection of space and place (perceptions of women in public space)

Angela Bratton, PhD

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Angela Bratton researches gender and sexuality, immigration and refugees, folklore, food and culture, and cultural issues in Africa.

Gender and Sexuality Anthropology Food and Culture Immigrants and refugees Folklore

Locke Bryan, PhD

Medical Hematologist-Oncologist

A leading medical hematologist-oncologist who also specializes in Lymphomas Immunotherapy Novel Therapeutics.

Lymphomas Immunotherapy Novel Therapeutics Cancer

Matthew Buzzell

Associate Professor, Department of Art and Design

Matthew Buzzell is an award-winning filmmaker whose films have been screened and distributed internationally.

Filmmaking Cinema Film

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