Eat, celebrate and travel the world during International Education Week

Each year the U.S. Department of State declares one week of the year as International Education Week. It was established to bring awareness to all things international, while also getting students interested in studying abroad. This year it will be held Nov. 1–8 on the Summerville and Health Science Campuses.

“We want for students to learn about things globally,” said Maria Darley, director of Study Abroad. “Some of our students don’t think outside of Georgia or the Southeast and if they attend any of the events, we can help to open their minds.”

There will be daily events, each one providing diverse cultural information. The week kicks off with The Jaguar Production Crew hosting the International Cultural Festival, which showcases various religions, racial and cultural groups on campus. Other events will include a Muslim talk, a resume workshop and the famous Oxfam banquet.

“Stop by one or two events,” Darley said. “We want students to come and learn something new. Learn about the Indian culture, learn about going abroad, learn about the different organizations and resources available on campus.”

The week serves as a way to bring international events and cultures to campus, so students who cannot go abroad can see what it’s like outside of the United States.

“Take advantage of these opportunities” Darley said. “There are possibilities available on a college campus that may be difficult to achieve after you leave school.”

Prior to International Education Week, study abroad students were given the opportunity to upload photos taken on their trips for a photo contest. A selection of them are included in the photo gallery. Photos chosen will be used to promote the study abroad program in the upcoming year. Winners were selected Nov. 1.

Visit the website for a complete list of events. For more information contact Maria Darley or call (706) 729-2306.

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Kashalah Robinson
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