Do you have what it takes to ‘Brave the Shave’?

people getting their hair shaved
Men from the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University go under the razor.

For the second year in a row, the Children’s Hospital of Georgia will be hosting the Brave the Shave event on Aug. 29. Brave the Shave is an awareness event designed to raise money to support Children’s Hospital of Georgia and also to bring awareness to Pediatric Cancer Awareness month that starts Sept. 1.

Men, women and children are encouraged to shave their heads to raise funds for childhood cancer care and research.

Cancer remains the leading cause of death for children under 15.

One such participant from last year is Andrew Oliver of Columbia, South Carolina. His five-year-old son Lucas has been treated for leukemia at Children’s Hospital of Georgia for the past three years.

“When they did Brave the Shave, I said, ‘I’m there, I don’t care,’” he said. “My son didn’t have a choice to lose his hair, so I told them to take it all off. I looked like a thumb for a couple of days.”

Lucas is currently preparing to enter kindergarten, while still receiving chemotherapy every month.

“I was happy to do it because it made money for the hospital,” Oliver said. “I want to come back and do it every time I can to support him.”

Are you ready to join the fight? Brave the shave for a child with cancer by raising money and shaving your head.

Participants are asked to raise $100 or more and will be donating their time and efforts to shave heads in the lobby of the Children’s Hospital of Georgia on Thursday, Aug. 29 from 2 – 5 pm.

If you are interested, please contact Catherine Stewart at 706-721-4004 by Aug. 15 or click here. Your generosity means more than you can imagine to these brave children and their families. It means hope, support, and leading-edge treatment options.

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Written by
Henry Hanks

Henry Hanks is Senior News & Communications Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact him to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-522-3023 or

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