Click the link, fill out the form and let everyone know how you’re bringing your A Game

You know that award you just won? We don’t. But we could if you’d let us know about it.

By now you’ve probably seen the Bring Your A Game logo. It’s pretty much everywhere on Jagwire, and for good reason. Because we value the achievements being made by our faculty, staff and students, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to let us know about them.

That’s why we’ve created an easy to use submission form specifically for this. Just fill out the fields, include a photo if you’ve got one and click the big blue submit button. It’s that easy.

Then, head over to the Bring Your A Game page, where we’ve grouped all the similar accolades together on one Jagwire page. There, you can read about Mckenzie Jones, the senior Radiation Therapy student who was selected as Augusta University’s 2018 Academic Recognition Day Honoree, Dr. Mary-Kate Lizotte, who had an article published in the Journal of Political Marketing or Dr. Frank Tay, who was named a Chang Jiang Scholar, China’s most prestigious scholarly honor. And after a day or so, everyone else can read about you.

So click the link, fill out the form and let everyone know how you bring your A Game.

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Augusta University Staff is a collection of talented writers, photographers, students and professionals; all working together to promote and support the amazing impacts and every day wins of Augusta University and the people that make up JagNation.

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Jagwire is your source for news and stories from Augusta University. Daily updates highlight the many ways students, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians "bring their A games" in classrooms and clinics on four campuses in Augusta and locations across the state of Georgia.