The grants are aimed at helping scientists better understand the mechanisms of two cardiovascular complications associated with HIV.
“The brand power of Augusta University as a major research facility in the state also contributes to this growth," says Marc Austin, PhD.
“It’s not just on Veterans Day that we should say those five words, ‘Thank you for your service,’” says AU President Russell T. Keen.
“This year we finally found something that was both an interesting image and an interesting research subject," says Bruno Cisterna, PhD.
Guido Verbeck, PhD, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Augusta University, is making strides to battle the fentanyl epidemic plaguing the nation.
“The Paceline fund offers us an opportunity to utilize highly sophisticated, novel technology to test our hypothesis and obtain insightful preliminary data,” says Zoya Kurago, PhD.
“I saw there is a group with really poor health outcomes, so I decided to look at what is going on socially to see if there’s any connection,” says Samantha Jones, PhD.
The idea for “EyeDentity” was inspired by a touching moment with Song’s daughter who said, "I see me in your eyes!"
The program supports investigators at each career stage who propose innovative research that, due to its inherent risk, may struggle in the traditional NIH peer-review process.
“We discovered a unique population of innate lymphoid cells in the intestine that are different from similar cells found in other parts of the body,” says Natalia Jaeger, PhD.
"Those experiencing long COVID were more likely to have food security concerns," said Biplab Datta, PhD.
The scientists suspect the key to that may be a protein called Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a versatile protein involved in both immunity and inflammation throughout the body.
“By increasing screening rates, we can detect colorectal cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage and ultimately save lives," said Meng-Han Tsai, PhD.
Prostate cancer largely affects men over age 65, which is a population that’s already at a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
"Our method is not only effective but also easily applicable, enabling individuals to navigate their journey to recovery safely and with minimal supervision."
More than 70% of astronauts experience a phenomenon known as Spaceflight Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome, or SANS, according to NASA.
A key problem is the loss of “redox balance” between harmful molecules called reactive oxygen species and helpful molecules like nitric oxide.
This new database will help eliminate that problem and includes data from 307 human AH samples, comprehensive information on 1,683 proteins identified in the AH, as well as...
Researchers at the Immunology Center of Georgia are taking advantage of revolutionary technology to investigate the role of neutrophils in the spread of bladder cancer.
The TIP peptide has already shown promise in protecting kidneys from nephritis and preventing severe pneumonia.