“This year, the competition was especially strong, highlighting the exceptional work our faculty are doing to support student learning and success," says Jeff Mastromonico.
“This program equips the next generation of cybersecurity professionals,” says Michael Nowatkowski, PhD.
The book is designed for current instructors of public administration, political science and social science.
"It acts as reminder that the trajectory I first set out for myself was the right one and has given me a motivational boost to be the best version of myself,” says Ashwini Tiwari...
“This year we finally found something that was both an interesting image and an interesting research subject," says Bruno Cisterna, PhD.
"Her sentinel work will undoubtedly strengthen and sustain the academy's mission for years to come," says Terri Marin, PhD.
“I gain a lot from watching young learners move forward,” says Natalie Lane, MD.
The idea for “EyeDentity” was inspired by a touching moment with Song’s daughter who said, "I see me in your eyes!"
“It shows that our work is competitive nationally and demonstrates our commitment to training the next generation of scientists," says Eric Belin de Chantemèle, PhD.
“This scholarship will assist in covering my daily expenses and enable me to continue my volunteer work, both locally and internationally,” says Evan Boland.
"Giving back to your profession is a lifetime commitment and responsibility,” said Cynthia Chernecky, PhD.
"When we began looking for someone to lead the department on a permanent basis, her well demonstrated leadership made her a natural choice,” said MCG Dean David C. Hess, MD.
"Having the ability to promote my platform as well as represent Augusta University is a huge honor," says Alyssa Pearson.
“I love watching my students develop and reach their educational and professional goals,” says Stacy Roberts, DBA.
“He’s very action-oriented and likes to get things done,” says Doug Taylor, DVM.
“Caitlyn was the perfect choice for the Good Samaritan Youth Hero for her extraordinary efforts in bringing awareness to local Gold Star families," says Susan Landreth-Everitt.
“I have outstanding colleagues who are doing amazing work. I am honored to have been chosen to receive this award,” says Jennifer Sullivan, PhD.
Alicia Brown Becton, PhD, believes in transformative leadership and servant leadership as the foundation of her efforts.
"He never takes anything for granted and is always seeking more opportunities to learn more about the profession that he has chosen to go into,” said Kevin Kindle.
“Augusta University is a part of me, and I am a part of Augusta University," says Shannon Broxton, DNP.