“He’s very action-oriented and likes to get things done,” says Doug Taylor, DVM.
“Caitlyn was the perfect choice for the Good Samaritan Youth Hero for her extraordinary efforts in bringing awareness to local Gold Star families," says Susan Landreth-Everitt.
Alicia Brown Becton, PhD, believes in transformative leadership and servant leadership as the foundation of her efforts.
"He never takes anything for granted and is always seeking more opportunities to learn more about the profession that he has chosen to go into,” said Kevin Kindle.
“This undergraduate research experience has inspired me to specialize in oncology and dive deeper into understanding cancer,” said Sonia Jose.
“This is what I want to communicate. Designing is about connecting with people at an emotional level," said Clarissa Gainey.
“Augusta University and the city are so connected. I see countless opportunities everyday of how we can further bridge the two together through unique collaborations."
"It makes me want to continue to do better and continue to grow, learn and reach out to the community because it doesn’t end here," said Lianni Maldonado.
“Dr. Capehart is a bridge-builder who will create coalitions. We are looking forward to his future success,” said DCG Dean Nancy Young.
"I am very committed to doing my part in contributing to the continued success of the organization."
"It is a reflection of the collaborative efforts of my colleagues, mentors, and students who have supported and inspired me throughout my journey."
"We will strive to improve public health throughout our community and beyond while increasing research and offering high-quality education.”
"I feel very blessed to be recognized for these efforts, especially when there are so many at this University who are doing such great things."
"Winning the Silver Telly Award highlights the creativity and excellence of the multimedia content we produce for our students at Augusta University."
"Having my name associated with this award is extremely humbling, and I still have a difficult time believing I was selected.”
“It was Dr. Kolhe’s leadership that helped shape MCG’s, our health system’s and Georgia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic," said MCG Dean David Hess, MD.
“I appreciate the patient care aspect of nursing and just being there for people whenever they are experiencing vulnerable times," said Stephanie Felonta.
“When I first saw samples of Brigid's work, it was evident that she had a strong eye for detail, but it has been exciting to watch her develop as an artist," said Cyndy Epps.
“'Blood Global Hematology' will be a home for research done anywhere in the world and a voice for the global hematologic research community."
“I learned about being chosen as the Academic Recognition Day Scholar for Augusta University like a week before I found out that I got into the physician assistant program."