Photos like this one, taken by Carrie Schnieders, capture the Honor Walk given by staff at Cincinnati's Mercy West Hospital in honor of her husband, Cletus Schnieders, who was an organ donor. The photo went viral after she shared it on Facebook. At AU Health, employees will soon be invited to pay tribute to donors and their families through Honor Walks.

Be a part of ‘Honor Walks’ to pay tribute to organ donors

The bittersweet reality of organ donation is that one life has to end for another to recover. At Augusta University Health, we understand the gravity and sensitivity of this decision for patients and their families. To express our gratitude, respect and compassion, we will begin offering donor families the option of participating in an “Honor Walk.”

During this silent tribute, AU Health employees will be invited to line the halls in support of a patient and family’s decision to donate as the deceased donor is being moved from the Intensive Care Unit to the operating room for organ recovery.

“At AU Health, we believe patient- and family-centered care extends beyond the end of life, and we want to honor those patients and their families who have chosen to give a gift that will help others live on,” said Julie Moretz, chief experience officer and associate vice president of Patient- and Family-Centered Care.

Adult Honor Walks will be on the first floor, outside the OR area, in the medical center, and pediatric Honor Walks will be in the OR/PICU area on the third floor of the Children’s Hospital of Georgia.  Each of the Honor Walks will be announced overhead so staff can choose to participate.

For more information, contact AU Health’s Center for Patients and Families.

Today was the worse day of my life. My amazing husband was pronounced brain dead around 9:30. He signed up to be an…

Posted by Carrie Schnieders on Thursday, June 21, 2018

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Danielle Harris

Danielle Harris is Senior Media Relations Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-7511 or

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