Woman and man
Fourth-year nursing student Nicholas Trussell administers a COVID-19 vaccine to Augusta University's Diane Robillard during a drive-thru clinic set up by the Georgia Department of Public Health earlier this year.

Augusta University students, faculty and staff encouraged to schedule COVID-19 vaccine ahead of Spring Break

Gov. Brian Kemp has announced the expansion of COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to everyone in Georgia aged 16 and older effective tomorrow, March 25, making most university students, faculty and staff eligible for vaccination.

While we work through plans for an on-campus vaccination effort, those who wish to be vaccinated sooner are now eligible to schedule an appointment through the Augusta University Health website, with appointments available on Thursday, March 25, and Saturday, March 27. We strongly encourage all those traveling or gathering for Spring Break to consider receiving their first vaccine dose prior to leaving campus.

We will continue to provide information about opportunities to be vaccinated on campus as plans are finalized. Until then, I ask that you review the current guidance for vaccinated individuals in our FAQs and on our AU Health website.

Thank you for your continued commitment to the health of Jaguar Nation!

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Jagwire is your source for news and stories from Augusta University. Daily updates highlight the many ways students, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians "bring their A games" in classrooms and clinics on four campuses in Augusta and locations across the state of Georgia.