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Stephen Lamb vice president of foundations at Augusta University.

Augusta University names vice president of foundations

Stephen Lamb, former interim vice president of foundations and assistant vice president of finance and chief financial officer, has been named Augusta University’s vice president of foundations.

Reporting to the executive vice president for Administration and chief of staff to the president, Lamb will work in coordination with the senior team on University Foundations relations and board governance.

As vice president of foundations, Lamb is responsible for the coordination and management of assets and investments supporting the philanthropic missions of Augusta University while providing innovative leadership for the institution’s foundations unit in the areas of development, constituent/alumni relations and communications.

“I have worked closely with Stephen and I can personally speak to his financial aptitude and effectiveness,” said Russell Keen, executive vice president for administration. “I look forward to his contributions to further the culture of philanthropy at Augusta University.”

Lamb has been with Augusta University since 2015. During his tenure, he has served as a strategic partner for foundation boards, financial institutions, advisors and auditors on behalf of the university.

Prior to his work in higher education, Lamb served as a senior accountant with Serotta, Maddocks, Evans & Co. CPA’s. He is a member of Young Professionals of Augusta and the Rotary Club of Augusta.

Lamb earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Augusta University and is receiving his master of public administration degree from the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs.

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