The Uniform Branding Initiative at AU Health has officially begun, and clinical leaders and staff are excited about the opportunity to collectively enhance the patient experience while proudly promoting the Augusta University brand on uniforms.
Since this initiative was announced by AU Medical CEO Lee Ann Liska a few weeks ago, much work has happened behind the scenes to begin engaging employees, hospital leaders and other key stakeholders in this important project.
To that end, a multidisciplinary Uniform Selection Committee that widely represents all AU Health employees has been created to facilitate the decision-making process. Committee members emphasized that no decisions about uniforms have been predetermined and that employees are encouraged to share their ideas through the Uniform Branding Survey.
A PAWS intranet page on the Uniform Branding Initiative has been developed to provide background information, timely updates, FAQs, and additional links for input and other uniform branding news. The Uniform Selection Committee is working to create innovative, engaging and fun ways to involve employees in this project, including special events that will take place during Hospital Week both at the medical center and practice site locations – please stay tuned for more information on these opportunities.
Input and feedback is welcome throughout this project. Submit questions, comments and ideas here or through PAWS.