Several locally-owned shops in the Augusta area offer discounts that the Augusta University community can enjoy, not only during the holidays but also year-round.
"It is such a joy to have COEHD alumni representing our two largest school systems as their District Teacher of the Year,” says Judi Wilson, PhD.
“Events like these bring light to first-gen students, and just the fact that it’s a whole day where we can go and celebrate together is just a joy,” says Mikelle Smith.
“If teaching is where their heart is, we want to show them the possibilities,” says Kim Barker, PhD.
“It definitely feels good because I've been waiting to see if I got accepted for what feels like a while now,” says Brayden Pringle.
"I know how important it was for her to be able to work with students," says Michael Murray, PhD.
“This funding validates the importance of addressing mental health at both the student and educator levels,” says Jordon Beasley, PhD.
"It ties together everything we are focused on as family nurse practitioners like disease prevention and health promotion,” says Abigail Grandin.
The book is designed for current instructors of public administration, political science and social science.
The grants are aimed at helping scientists better understand the mechanisms of two cardiovascular complications associated with HIV.
“He’s the best worker. He’s on the Mount Rushmore of those I’ve coached,” says Dip Metress.
Stay safe and vigilant while shopping this holiday season.
“The brand power of Augusta University as a major research facility in the state also contributes to this growth," says Marc Austin, PhD.
“It’s not just on Veterans Day that we should say those five words, ‘Thank you for your service,’” says AU President Russell T. Keen.
"It acts as reminder that the trajectory I first set out for myself was the right one and has given me a motivational boost to be the best version of myself,” says Ashwini Tiwari...
“This year we finally found something that was both an interesting image and an interesting research subject," says Bruno Cisterna, PhD.
Guido Verbeck, PhD, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Augusta University, is making strides to battle the fentanyl epidemic plaguing the nation.
“The Paceline fund offers us an opportunity to utilize highly sophisticated, novel technology to test our hypothesis and obtain insightful preliminary data,” says Zoya Kurago, PhD.
"Her sentinel work will undoubtedly strengthen and sustain the academy's mission for years to come," says Terri Marin, PhD.
“Blake Leeper’s story illustrates that with determination and the right support systems in place, individuals can break through these barriers," says Rebecca Berger.