The Office of Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence is now accepting applications for the 2016-17 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Fellowship Program.
The deadline to apply is Feb. 22, 2016.
The SoTL Fellowship Program uses evidence-based research methods to examine effective teaching and student learning and requires peer review and public dissemination. The Academic and Student Affairs Handbook of the University System of Georgia identifies Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a valued type of faculty scholarship.
The program is designed to help Augusta University faculty members develop research skills in the context of their teaching activities. Fellows will complete at least one SoTL project, suitable for peer review and publication or presentation.
Faculty members from any college or campus may apply. Priority will be given to junior faculty, faculty members who are trying to develop a scholarly presence and to projects that are likely to advance to peer review by the end of the fellowship.
Fellowship stipulations include:
- Faculty fellows will meet at least biweekly with the fellowship director to develop research skills and plan their SoTL projects.
- Fellows will identify a content mentor who is familiar with their teaching discipline with whom they will meet monthly.
- Because one of the primary goals of this program is to support the scholarly development and productivity of faculty members, fellows will be expected to have advanced their project to the point of at least submitting a proposal for presentation by the end of the fellowship.
- The program will begin in early August and run through spring semester, with formal progress reports due in December and early April.
Examples of SoTL projects can be found here.
For more information, contact Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence at or visit the SoTL Fellowship Program website.