The current renovation work on Augusta University’s Oak Hall residence hall building uncovered additional concerns that will take much longer to remedy than originally anticipated.
To ensure the health, safety and comfort of students living on campus, housing in Oak Hall will not be available for the fall semester. Alternative housing arrangements have been secured at seven different off-campus residential locations in order to accommodate those students affected.
Volunteers are needed to assist in move-in activities for the new students who will be living off-campus. Moving will include lifting heavy objects and traveling up and down multiple flights of stairs.

While 250 students are moving into Elm Hall Aug. 10-12, the greatest need for volunteers is to help approximately 400 new students move into off-campus residential locations on Saturday, Aug. 19.
Volunteers are needed for four morning shifts at local apartments and three afternoon shifts at local hotels on Aug. 19. Each housing location will need enthusiastic volunteers on-site to assist with check-in, traffic control, moving assistance and hospitality.

Volunteers for the Aug. 19 move-ins will also receive a limited-edition AU Move-In Team T-shirt, as well as virtual volunteer orientation the week of Aug. 14 and volunteer service hours credit for student volunteer service hours worked.
The Office of Volunteer Services and Community Engagement will be using JAGPULSE, AU’s new online community engagement platform, for registration and to track service hours for the Aug. 19 activities.
To register to volunteer for this event, participants will need to activate their account then will follow a link to sign up for their preferred shift on Aug. 19.
Participants will need to stop by the check-in table at their site that morning before they begin their service to check in and verify their hours in JAGPULSE.
Should any questions or concerns arise regarding volunteer registration, prospective volunteers can reach out to Volunteer Services and Community Engagement by calling (706) 721-3596 or via email.
Please sign up to join our team of “Movin’ Jags” on Aug. 19 and help us give these new students a Jaguar welcome experience Like No Other!
Those who aren’t able to help out are encouraged to check JAGPULSE for more volunteer opportunities around campus or apply online at