two people working in a lab
Augusta University student volunteers help with lab solutions and research experiments.

Volunteer Services and Community Engagement celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Month

Starting April 1, in honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Month, the Office of Volunteer Services and Community Engagement will highlight the many contributions that volunteers make across the Augusta University and AU Health campuses.

The office will host a series of appreciation events throughout the month of April that highlight the importance of service and those who make it possible. Augusta University enterprise volunteers have donated countless hours across multiple areas and shown an unyielding commitment to serving others.

Augusta University and AU Health volunteers served more than 5,000 hours during the 2021-22 calendar year, and their impact ripples across the community.

“In recognition for their generous service, we are excited to celebrate our volunteers all month long!” said Shayna Crawford, volunteer engagement coordinator for Volunteer Services and Community Engagement.

Volunteers support Augusta University’s health care, education and research mission in multiple areas across campus, including Athletics, Augusta University Literary Center, Augusta University Medical Center, Children’s Hospital of Georgia, Georgia Cancer Center and more.

Community members can show their appreciation this month by thanking a volunteer for their contribution the next time they spot one on campus.

To find service opportunities, visit the Volunteer Services and Community Engagement website.

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Paige Boeke

Paige Boeke is a communications coordinator for Communications and Marketing at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at

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