Greenblatt Library sign in front of building

University Libraries accepting children’s coat donations through Nov. 17

In support of Days of Service, Augusta University Libraries is hosting a “Coats for Kids” drive to benefit Hope House Augusta Inc., a local organization that helps low-income and homeless women struggling with substance use disorders. 

Hope House provides residential and outpatient treatment programs and long-term supportive housing, and has served over 1,700 women via residential and outreach services. 

“We feel that the Days of Service is not just a day, and that as the days are getting shorter and colder, we wanted to help those in need,” said Gail Kouame, assistant director for research and education services at the Greenblatt Library and coordinator of the coat drive. 

Coat donations will be accepted through Wednesday, Nov. 17. Donations can be dropped off in the lobby of both the Greenblatt Library and the Reese Library. 

All coat donations are accepted, but children’s sizes (roughly newborn to adult small) are especially needed, as many women come to Hope House with their children. Donors are encouraged to place an encouraging note in the pocket of each donated coat. 

Follow Hope House on Facebook or download the coat drive flyer. 

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Paige Boeke

Paige Boeke is a communications coordinator for Communications and Marketing at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at

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