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Tips to stay cyber safe during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a collaborative effort between government and industry to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and to ensure everyone has the resources needed to stay safe and secure online.

This year’s message — Own IT, Secure IT, Protect IT — emphasizes personal accountability. It is important that we all take proactive steps to keep both our personal data and the entire enterprise’s data secure from cybercriminals.

Here are ways to keep both you and Augusta University cyber safe:

1. Think before you click.
2. Be cautious when opening emails that are not from
3. Use strong passwords, and change them often.
4. Be aware of ransomware. Only download software from the AU software site.
5. Report suspicious email activity to the AU Cybersecurity Hotline at or call (706) 722-9237.

Here are ways AU’s Division of Information Technology is working to keep you safe:

1. Multi-factor authentication. Our systems now require both an AU email and password, plus a second form of authentication. This second factor is either a phone call, text, or app notification.

2. Mimecast email archiving. Email messages will remain in the online email account for up to six months prior to automated removal by the email system. After they are removed, they are only accessible from the email archive. This reduces the impact upon the organization if an email account is compromised.

Let’s work together to own, secure, and protect both AU’s and our personal data. Find more information about National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

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Written by
Staci Thompson

Staci Thompson is the communications specialist for Information Technology. Contact her at 706-721-3359 or

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