For students and alumni looking for an early start on their job search or seeking a new position, the annual Jaguar Job Fair will take place Friday, March 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Christenberry Fieldhouse.
The event will feature over 60 businesses and organization from the Southeast actively looking for full-time and part-time employees, interns, seasonal hires and graduate assistants.
“Attending the Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to build employer knowledge and a network for now and later,” said Julie Goley, director of Career Services at Augusta University. “We encourage our first- and second-year students to attend to find out about part-time needs, as well as internship recruiting cycles with employers. For our upperclassmen and graduates/alumni, it is a great time to leverage contacts for internships and full-time employment. With the automation of applications, students lack face time with employers to learn about different industries and what they value. This event provides that.”
Aflac, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Hull Property Group, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, The Masters and Rumsey Construction and Restoration are just a few of the companies who will be on hand.
Queensborough National Bank and Trust Company has tapped into Augusta University for a number of years and will continue to do so. There is more to banking jobs than just those you may see. There is IT, cyber security, business analytics, core solutions and project management teams, just to name a few.
“Queensborough has had the privilege of working with Augusta University at career fairs, business spotlight panels, as well as their internship programs,” said Mandi Washburn, a human resources business partner at Queensborough. “We have brought on several students as interns and have had the privilege of them staying on after graduation as they expand their careers with us. These opportunities provide us with great talent, and this is a great way for students to see if banking offers them the career path they are looking for.”

Phinizy Center for Water Sciences is another pipeline that exists for Augusta University students. Phinizy know the importance of face-to-face conversations with people to see if they are the right fit.
“We have had many AU students work at Phinizy, mostly in our research department where we currently have two graduates employed,” said Camilla Sherman, assistant education director. “We are always looking for more energetic students to be research interns and love working with both students and professor from AU. Working as an intern or in a part-time position could give students a leg up if other positions open.”
Those attending the job fair should come professionally dressed and with resumes as they may leave the event with a future employment opportunity.