The Class of 2021 welcomed to Jaguar Nation at Freshman Convocation

[mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”20″ bg_color=”#003359″ txt_color=”#ffffff”][mks_icon icon=”fa-camera” color=”#ffffff” type=”fa”] Download and save photos from this event and others at Augusta University Photo Galleries.[/mks_pullquote]Incoming freshmen of the Class of 2021 packed the stands of Christenberry Fieldhouse on the Augusta University Forest Hills Campus to participate in Freshman Convocation, where they heard from President Brooks Keel, Dr. Gretchen Caughman, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost, and former Augusta mayor Deke Copenhaver, who was the speaker for the event.

The day was rounded out with the President’s Picnic and Freshman 1101.

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