From left: Thomas Elijah Francis, LeDarius Scott, Paul Kelton and Jenny Smeragliuolo.

Student Government Association welcomes 2017-2018 officers

A new round of Student Government Association officers was sworn in on April 19th following the largest student voter turnout in SGA election history.

LeDarius Scott, SGA president; Paul Kelton, SGA vice president; Thomas Elijah Francis, SGA attorney general; Jenny Smeragliuolo, SGA secretary; and Terrell Williams, SGA comptroller, will represent the university’s undergraduate student body during the 2017-2018 term.

Stephanie Myers, graduate SGA president; Evan Monson, graduate SGA vice president; Nicole Lopez, graduate SGA comptroller; Jessica Pierce, graduate SGA secretary; and Jasmine Fuller, graduate SGA humanitarian, will represent the university’s graduate student population.

Scott said he and his colleagues on the SGA leadership teams intend to make use of every opportunity to improve the university’s student life experience.

“I feel like I was created for this role, and my past leadership experiences have instilled the wisdom and knowledge in me needed to do this job correctly,” Scott said. “The driving force behind my ambition starts with knowing that I have an opportunity to help make the student life experience better here at Augusta University.”

As for the increase in voter turnout, Scott said it’s clear that students are taking more a more active role in choosing the direction of campus and student life.

“The increased voter turnout means student engagement is prospering,” Scott said. “It also means students care about who represents them on the highest stage, and many who voted during the SGA election season are now working alongside us as senators for their respective colleges.”

Visit the Student Government Association for more information.

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