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Sections of Cancer Research Building, Cancer Clinic closed temporarily

Sections of the Cancer Research Building (CN) and Cancer Clinic (AN) have been closed temporarily as construction continues on the Georgia Cancer Center M. Bert Storey Research Building.

Cancer Research Building

On the first floor, there is no access to the corridor, restrooms and stairwell, including the BMB lab, from the main lobby and elevator lobby as crews work on the building’s utilities and wiring.

Cancer Clinic

Starting May 15 until the completion of construction, the following areas will be closed for use:

  • Meditation room, Lymphedema Clinic and stairwell on the first floor
  • AN2000E (Dr. Albo’s office), AN2112, AB2120, AN2700B and stairwell

For more information on where the Lymphedema Clinic and Dr. Albo’s clinic will move to, along with new locations for the support groups being affected, contact Kim Payton at 1-1229 or at

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Written by
Haley Hughes

Haley Hughes is the Facilities Communications Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-729-2098 or

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