Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards – Call for Nominations

Georgia Regents University, soon to be Augusta University, is inviting institutional pre-proposal applications for the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards.  GRU as a sponsoring member of Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), is eligible to submit two applications to ORAU for this award.  The award is a one-year grant in the amount of $10,000, which is composed of $5,000 in funding from ORAU, $2,500 from the GRU College or Department and $2,500 from the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research. Proposals can involve research in nearly all STEM disciplines plus policy, management or education.

Application Process

  • Pre-proposals are due no later than close-of-business on Monday, 9 November, and should be sent electronically to John Sutherland (jsutherland@gru.edu).
  • GRU faculty review panel will receive all pre-proposals and select no more than two applications to be submitted to ORAU
  • Pre-proposals should consist of three components:
  1. A one-page abbreviated resume in PDF format, with an optional second page listing publications and/or presentations.
  2. A draft research proposal not to exceed 2 pages plus up to one page of references, also in PDF format. The list of items to be addressed in the proposal can be found at www.orau.org/university-partnerships/faculty-student-programs/powe/instructions-faculty.aspx
  3. A statement from the faculty chair or dean indicating that the $2,500 match will be covered.
  • If selected for submission to ORAU, both the resume and the proposal can be edited/updated.


If you or potential candidates have questions concerning this program, please feel free to contact Dr. John Sutherland, Associate Dean Research & Graduate Studies, College of Science and Mathematics at jsutherland@gru.edu/

For more information on Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, see www.orau.org/university-partnerships/faculty-student-programs/powe/

For general information on ORAU see www.orau.org/ .

Phone:  706-721-6900

Website:  gru.edu/research

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at erijohnson@augusta.edu.

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