Professional Building 1 connector complete

The enclosed connector bridge from the first floor of Georgia Regents Medical Center (BA) to the first floor of Professional Building 1 is complete.

Staff, visitors, and patients can access the connector from either the BA building or Professional Building 1 (AD), located at 1481 Laney Walker Blvd.

The connector is just one part of the large-scale renovation and build-out of Professional Building 1, formerly the old College of Dental Medicine.

Currently, the only occupant of Professional Building 1 is the Center for Digestive Health on the second floor. The Office of Marketing and Communications and Institutional Effectiveness will eventually relocate to the first floor.

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Haley Hughes

Haley Hughes is the Facilities Communications Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-729-2098 or

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