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PAWS will be decommissioned on June 15.

PAWS intranet switches to MyAugusta on June 15

On Monday, June 15, PAWS SharePoint platform will be officially decommissioned and replaced with Augusta University’s new OUCampus intranet platform MyAugusta.

For the past several months, PAWS links have been migrating over to the new platform. Throughout this process, employees have had the opportunity to provide feedback and point out areas where the new platform could be improved.

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MyAugusta will be replacing PAWS as the university’s intranet site.

The platform that manages the current intranet, SharePoint, will no longer have support available for its underlying technologies. It was already an outdated system, so it became necessary to make a change before other limitations started to appear.

MyAugusta is currently operational and available to students and employees.

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Raysean Ricks

Raysean Ricks is a writer for Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-6144 or email him at

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Written by Raysean Ricks

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