New York Times: What drives gun sales

Gun sales have more than doubled in a decade, to about 15 million in 2013 from about seven million in 2002. More firearms are sold to residents in the United States than in any other country, according to Jurgen Brauer, a professor of economics at Augusta University.

Brauer’s work on the U.S. firearm industry was recently cited in an interactive New York Times article on gun sales and restrictions.

Estimates of U.S. gun sales undercount total sales because they omit some purchases in states that do not require background checks for private sales. They also exclude permits that allow people in some states to buy multiple guns with a single background check, according to the New York Times.

New York Times: What Drives Gun Sales: Terrorism, Politics and Calls for Restrictions

Dec. 10, 2015

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Kelly Jasper

Kelly Jasper is Digital Content Manager at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-4706 or

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