A line of orange and white construction barrels with orange lights on top

New power construction to begin Aug. 30 near Annex buildings

A new project to install new underground concrete duct bank and copper feeders to replace the more than 50-year-old feeders to Annex I will begin Monday, Aug. 30.

There will be four phases to the project:

  • Phase I: Install new underground vault as shown on phasing plan (four weeks).
  • Phase II: Install duct bank from new vault to Annex I building. Remove fence when complete (four weeks).
  • Phase III: Install duct bank as shown on Phasing plan. Remove fence when complete (three weeks).
  • Phase IV: Install duct bank as shown on Phasing plan. Remove fence when complete (three weeks).


Georgia Power will be in charge of the construction and expects to have the work finished by early December. It will also have an independent traffic management company onsite during all construction.

Each phase will be completely fenced as it is constructed and allowances to keep traffic flowing and make parking available will be implemented in each phase. There will be no impact to traffic or power to Annex II and there will be no power outages during the work day.

Asphalt will be repaired and restriped prior to completion of job.

If you have questions, contact Daryl Bullock at 706-214-6248 and please Pardon Our Progress as we continue to grow and expand at Augusta University.

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