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New IT support resource available

To meet the growing needs of Augusta University’s faculty, staff and students, the Division of Information Technology has created an additional support resource.

Augusta University Information Technology’s Service Portal has been launched for many of your IT-related self-service needs.

This new IT Service Portal is a web-based submission platform. The self-service portal was created for all of your non-critical needs. Submissions can be made here.

The new portal allows you to do things like:

  1. Report an issue: Open an incident with the service desk to ask for assistance with something that is broken.
  2. Make a request: Browse the catalog for some of our more frequently requested items.

Note: There will always be support requirements that warrant a call to the service desk, but the portal will provide self-help resources for the most common challenges faced by end users of technology and services at Augusta University.

For critical requests, call the Help Desk at 706-721-4000.

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Written by
Staci Thompson

Staci Thompson is the communications specialist for Information Technology. Contact her at 706-721-3359 or sthompson8@augusta.edu.

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Written by Staci Thompson

Jagwire is your source for news and stories from Augusta University. Daily updates highlight the many ways students, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians "bring their A games" in classrooms and clinics on four campuses in Augusta and locations across the state of Georgia.

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