Things are adding up for the new College of Science and Mathematics construction project on the Health Sciences Campus of Augusta University. On Nov. 11, the Georgia Board of Regents authorized Augusta University to spend university funds to complete the interior build-out of the fourth-floor, which was previously put on hold.
Another plus for the project, steel is being fabricated for a pedestrian bridge that will connect the new College of Science and Math building with the Interdisciplinary Research Building, a formula that should foster synergies between undergraduate and graduate research and discovery. University leaders are tentatively planning for a “beam-raising” event in early 2021 to celebrate this milestone in the construction of the new facility.
Ground was broken in August 2019 on the 125,125-square-foot project and crews topped out on the facility in May 2020.
The new College of Science and Mathematics building is expected to open in summer 2021, and it is part of the Campus Master Plan to “move one to grow four.”
Visit the CSM Move page for additional information.