January 13: Stress Less this Spring
12:00 PM
JSAC Butler Room, Summerville Campus
Bring your lunch and learn practical tips for stress management that you can begin using right away. Sponsored by the Counseling Center
January 16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration
12:00 PM
Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel, Paine College
The annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration will be held on Friday, January 16, 2015 at noon in the Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel on the Paine College campus. Dr. Julius S. Scott, Jr. will serve as the speaker for this event. He has served several universities as President and Interim President and for 3 years served as the Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. The celebration is co-sponsored by Augusta Technical College, Georgia Regents University & Paine College.
The Shuttle will run the following schedule the day of the program: The 10:30 am shuttle will leave from University Hall and arrive at Paine College Chapel at around 10:50 am in enough time for usher assignments.
The following shuttle schedule will be in place: The Jaguar Express Summerville/Health Science route will add an additional stop between 10:00am and 3:00 pm on Friday January 17th at Paine College in front of the Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel. The Jaguar Express Summerville/Health Science bus departs the Summerville campus from the main entrance in front of University Hall on the hour and half hour and departs the Health Science campus from Laney-Walker in front of the old dental school (AD) on the 15 and 45. It will drop off/pick up at Paine College at approximately 20 after and 10 to each hour between 10:00 and 3:00.
January 28: Self-Image – Love your Body; Love the Skin You’re In
10:00 AM
JSAC Butler Meeting Room
Developing a healthy positive body image and a healthy mental approach is essential to happiness and wellness. This workshop will cover best way to build a healthy body image and ways to help you experience your body in a more positive and accepting way.