Resource Highlight
Reese Library 24/7 Access Pilot
The University Libraries are pleased and excited about Reese Library’s 24/7 access pilot that began on Sunday, February 15, at 10:30pm. The pilot will run for twelve weeks, ending on Wednesday, May 6 at 7:30am. Reese Library welcomes all GRU students and other GRU affiliates to a safe and quiet place to study as well as access to the Library’s electronic and print resources needed to complete assignments. Every night from 10:30pm until 7:30am access will be limited to only GRU affiliates with their Jaguar card needed for access. Checking out books, reserves, study rooms, headphones, and markers will also be available during the overnight hours.
Once the pilot has concluded, the results will be evaluated to determine if 24/7 access or a lesser amount of extended hours is needed. Input regarding the pilot will be solicited. Comment boxes and flipcharts will be placed throughout the building to capture user feedback. Comments can also be sent directly to Barb Mann, Head Librarian at Reese Library ( and Dr. Brenda Seago, Director of Libraries (
Reese Library looks forward to this pilot being a success!