Need To Know: Announcements – February 6


Tech Week!
Tech Week is February 9th-13th. There will be information sessions each day, Monday-Thursday, from 4pm-5pm in Allgood N127. Tech majors: come listen to employers like RSI and SRS as they give tips about getting hired for internships and jobs. Register through the “events” tab in Career Link and contact Rebecca Lisi at with questions.

Lot 61 (Laney High School) Lot Closure
Please note that Lot 61 (Laney High School lot) will be closed to GRU patrons on Tuesday February 10, 2015, Wednesday February 11, 2015, and Thursday February 12, 2015 while Laney High School has a special event. Additional parking is available in Lots 69 and 70 (Fatman’s lot) which is served by the Gold transit route. Please allow extra time to arrive at your location. To view a map of Health Sciences campus parking lots please visit:


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Student Life and Engagement

Student Life & Engagement is committed to providing innovative programs to help students get involved on campus. We aim to give students opportunities to develop leadership skills and pursue their interests through experiential learning. Our team supports over 100 student organizations, an engaged Greek Community, and advises the Jaguar Production Crew, Homecoming Executive Council, and the Student Government Association.

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