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Leaders share accomplishments and FY25 priorities at annual hearings

During this year’s Planning and Resource Alignment Hearings, deans, vice presidents and other administrative leaders gave a total of 32 presentations, highlighting the achievements of their departments and units during the 2023-24 academic year and outlining their priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.

The annual presentations were also an opportunity for leaders to demonstrate how they are building a greater culture of financial sustainability while planning for the future. These priorities align with the current strategic plan, Creating a Legacy, and its aspirational imperatives: enroll 16,000 students by 2030, achieve top 60 NIH ranking by 2030 with an implicit aspiration to achieve R1 Carnegie Classification, and receive the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification by 2026.

Open to all Augusta University faculty, staff and students, the sessions were hosted in person and streamed live.

Overall takeaways from the presentations include the following:

AU faculty, staff and students can view all presentations and the executive summary report by visiting the planning webpage.

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