Khan named administrative director for MCG Admissions

Dr. Iqbal Khan, founding dean of the Medical College of Georgia Southwest Campus in Albany, has been named administrative director of the Office of Admissions at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University.

Khan, who was assistant dean of the Southwest Campus from 2005-10, also serves as assistant dean of the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy’s Southwest Campus, also in Albany, where he oversaw the design and build-out of the new campus and spearheaded its accreditation process.

In his new role, he will help organize and manage the medical school admissions process, which, each year, includes the processing of more than 3,000 applications, more than 8,000 reference letters and transcripts and more than 1,000 applicant interview reports. Khan will also help with recruitment, advising, enrollment and retention. He will also chair the GRU Medical Scholars Admissions Committee and serve on the MCG Scholarship Committee. He has been a member of the MCG Admissions Committee since 1999.

As assistant dean of the MCG Southwest Campus, Khan established relationships with community physicians and hospitals across a 1,600 square-mile area and negotiated affiliation agreements with 14 hospitals and health care facilities in the region. He recruited 148 new faculty and worked to recruit students from rural communities to the campus, more than doubling the number from five to 14.

Prior to his appointment at the Southwest Campus, Khan, a reproductive physiologist, served as director of undergraduate medical education in the MCG Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from 1998-2005 and as director of the department’s IVF and Andrology laboratories from 1990-2002.

He serves on the board of directors for the Health Care Ethics Consortium of Georgia and is a member of the National and International Team of Inspectors for the College of American Pathologists for Reproductive Laboratories.

Khan received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physiology from the University of Karachi in Pakistan and his doctoral degree in reproductive physiology from the University of Gothenberg in Sweden.

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Written by
Jennifer Hilliard Scott

Jennifer Hilliard Scott is Director of Communications at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-8604 or

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