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In 2022, more than 1,100 volunteers participated in Days of Service, Augusta University’s annual community service project.

Join the JagPulse party to learn how you can help our community

Augusta University will host two launch parties Jan. 18 and 19 to celebrate JagPulse, a community engagement platform that will allow students, faculty and staff to connect with local nonprofit organizations.

JagPulse logoUsers will be able to log on using their university single sign-on credentials, build a profile and search for volunteer opportunities. They will also be able to track their volunteer/service hours and have access to their service transcript.

The launch parties will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., first on Wednesday, Jan. 18 at the Jaguar Student Activities Center (JSAC) Breezeway, and on Thursday, Jan. 19 in the J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons lobby.

The events will feature music and refreshments. Students will have the opportunity to interact with multiple organizations and learn more about AU Innovate at the launch events, as well as log on and connect with community partners who are already JagPulse affiliates on the platform.

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