Photo by Giovanna Fabbri

In Their Own Words: Sarah Sharman

Sarah Sharman, 27 years old, Biochemistry & Cancer Biology Graduate Program, 4th Year PhD Student

Research: Viagra for colon cancer prevention

“Basically, we figured out that these two drugs, Linzess and Viagra, help in preventing colon cancer. We’ve shown that we can get a 50 percent reduction in tumors, because these drugs help in making an environment in which they are not forming the tumors in the first place. Technically, these drugs are very beneficial for the intestine, because they block the degradation of these molecules called cyclic GMP responsible for the intestine regulation. But my specific project today is to look to Viagra and treat Colon cancer. Right now, we are trying to figure out what’s going on early to stop the tumor formation. I’m very excited with it, because it’s a opened door for treating colon cancer.”

Graduate Research Day, which occurred on March 9, showcases the research accomplishments of students and postdoctoral fellows throughout The Graduate School. For more information about Graduate Research Day, visit The Graduate School.

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