Students from Augusta University's Hull College of Business sit at a table having a conversation.

‘In the Wild’: Navigate midterms with expert insights on well-being

Finding a balance between academic success and personal well-being can be an arduous journey. In the latest episode of In the Wild podcast, we delve into the crucial aspects of mental health and self-care practices, offering invaluable insights and expert advice aimed at helping students not only survive but thrive in their academic and emotional lives.

William Hatcher, PhD, chair of the Department of Social Sciences, whose extensive experience and research on work-life balance made him an ideal choice for offering guidance to students, emphasized the significance of finding equilibrium between academic pursuits and personal life. He also shared insights from his book on the subject, providing practical strategies for students to manage their time effectively, set boundaries and prioritize self-care without compromising their academic goals.

Following Hatcher’s perspective on work-life balance, Melanie Wilcox, PhD, assistant professor of psychology, offered invaluable advice on safeguarding one’s mental health during the most hectic times of the semester, especially during midterms. Her insights into managing stress, anxiety and maintaining a positive mindset struck a chord with students who often find themselves overwhelmed by academic pressures.

“As students, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of midterms,” said podcast host Raysean Ricks. “But remember, the true measure of success isn’t just about grades; it’s about maintaining your mental and emotional health. Dr. Hatcher and Dr. Wilcox have shown us that navigating this journey is possible, and it starts with taking care of yourself.”

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