Hull student receives Academic Recognition Day Award from Board of Regents

Matthew Atkinson, a graduating senior from the James M. Hull College of Business, was awarded the 2017 Academic Recognition Day Award by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

Atkinson, an Honors Program student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology as well as the Advanced Cyber Defender Certificate, will graduate with a 4.0 grade point average on Friday, May 12.

“Matthew is an ideal student from a professor’s perspective,” said Assistant Professor Ronald Martin. “He is always well prepared for class by not only performing the assigned tasks, he also actively seeks other sources of information. In class discussions, this trait allows him to offer solutions and recommendations which lead to a richer experience for every student.”

“I am truly honored to be recognized by the Board of Regents and greatly appreciate receiving the award,” Atkinson said. “I could not have achieved this without the guidance of my professors at Augusta University as a whole, with a great portion of assistance coming from members of the Hull College of Business and the Cyber Institute at Augusta University. I have always enjoyed my time as an undergraduate at Augusta University and encourage all those seeking secondary education to keep Augusta University in their list of candidates. You will not regret joining the Jaguar family.”

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