Hosting a youth program this summer? Review Augusta University’s minors on campus policies

kids playing outside

As spring brings warm weather and new opportunities for campus activities, Augusta University welcomes an increased number of minors to campus. To help ensure a safe and healthy environment for all who participate, volunteer or work in these youth programs, Augusta University and the University System of Georgia require that all programs serving non-student minors be registered with the Office of Compliance, Ethics & Risk Management online.

Programs serving non-student minors include, but are not limited to, camps, clinics, mentoring and shadowing opportunities, lab-related educational experiences (hazardous or non-hazardous) and use of classroom or outdoor space. These events warrant registration, training, background checks, record retention and departmental approval.

Field trips, official tours or recruiting experiences also require registration.

Recurring programs are required to register every calendar year, 60 days in advance of the program start date. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of programming. By registering, programs that work with minors will proactively receive information on the resources and policies developed for the protection of the minors and the program staff.

For more information on registration, training and additional requirements, please visit the minors on campus website. Questions related to minors on campus can be directed to Compliance, Ethics & Risk Management via email.

For questions regarding photographing minors on campus, contact Communications & Marketing or review the photography consent form.

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