Hess to present in Nashville

Caryl Hess
Caryl Hess

Dr. Caryl Hess, director of the Office of Leadership Development, will be giving a presentation on mentoring and sponsorships on Nov. 11 at the second annual Here Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Hosted by the women of Tennessee’s Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), the conference provides networking opportunities for women involved in the health care industry.

Hess, who joined Georgia Regents University last December, previously spent five years as the director of the Cleveland Clinic Academy, where she oversaw the leadership and management curriculum for 43,000 physicians, nurses and administrators.

At GRU, she’s lead the first enterprise-wide leadership development initiative and built two new leadership pipeline programs while also launching a website for leadership resources.

A popular speaker on topics of leadership development, curriculum and technology, Hess’ most recent publication was in the Journal of Leadership Studies.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at erijohnson@augusta.edu.

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