Classrooms in Augusta University’s new College of Science and Mathematics building are ready for students. [Michael Holahan/Augusta University]

Health Sciences Campus grows with addition of College of Science and Mathematics courses

As the fall semester approaches, faculty, staff and students are preparing for big additions to the Augusta University Health Sciences Campus with the move of the College of Science and Mathematics.

Dr. Zach Kelehear, vice provost for instruction, said the Health Sciences Campus will be hosting 132 additional classes to go along with the 144 classes at the Medical College of Georgia, Dental College of Georgia, College of Allied Health Sciences, College of Nursing and The Graduate School.

Those classes will be held in the J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons, Health Sciences Building, Hamilton Wing, Lee Auditoria Center, Carl T. Sanders Research & Education Building, Pavilion III and Greenblatt Library, among other places across the campus.

All of the students who have classes in any restricted access buildings (i.e., Sanders Research) will have access between 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday, so long as they have their JagCard.

Students and faculty are encouraged to carry their JagCards on the Summerville and Forest Hills campuses, and several locations on the Riverfront Campus and Health Sciences Campus require a JagCard to be displayed at all times.

If anyone has trouble with their JagCards when accessing buildings in which they have classes, they are asked to contact the JagCard Office. A copy of their class schedule will be required as verification for access eligibility.

Kelehear applauded the Student Affairs team as they conducted orientations for the incoming freshmen class, saying the students were able to get acclimated after their tour of the Health Sciences Campus. He also mentioned Health Sciences faculty and staff are prepared to help new and returning students navigate campus, as they are also experiencing new situations themselves.

He also noted that the Department of Information Technology has upgraded equipment in instructional spaces, making those classrooms and labs “robost and relevant” for today’s learners.

One bit of advice Kelehear had for everyone focused on transportation and the transition around the campuses.

“Everyone that is moving around the campus, especially on the Health Sciences Campus, would do well to allow some leave time as you get adjusted to parking on the Summerville Campus and other parking areas and then using the JagExpress shuttles where available,” he said.

Also of note: students have been instructed to create schedules where there are no back-to-back classes on the different campuses because “you just won’t have enough time to make it,” according to Kelehear.

Read more about the most recent campus guidelines and download the new Jag Mobile app.

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