Color photo of Augusta University shuttle with mascot Augustus and the athletic A

Health Sciences Building shuttle stop moved to Laney-Walker corridor

The start of a new academic year at Augusta University brings with it a few changes to the Silver and Gold routes of the JagExpress Shuttles aimed at helping to improve service and efficiency.

First, a second bus has been added for the Silver 2 Route. The start time for one of the two buses will move up to 5:30 a.m. while the other will begin at 7 a.m. with both running until 9 p.m. daily. The Silver 2 Route will now cover the main Laney-Walker corridor from Lots 69 and 70 near Druid Park eastward to Lot 61/Laney High School Stadium at Blount Avenue and the reverse.

Also, the Silver 1 and 2 shuttles will no longer pick up and drop off directly in front of the Health Sciences Building (EC). Instead, that stop has been moved out to Laney-Walker Boulevard to combine with the Georgia Cancer Center shuttle stop.

Map with arrow drown from Health Sciences Building to the new shuttle stop on Laney Walker Boulevard
The shuttle stop for the Health Sciences Building has been moved out to Laney-Walker Boulevard at the designated shuttle stop at the Georgia Cancer Center.

Next, the Gold Route will no longer provide service to the Health Sciences Building, so riders should take the Silver 2 shuttle instead to the new stop for the Health Sciences Building on Laney-Walker at the Georgia Cancer Center. The Gold Route will still run from 5:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. and provides service in a circuit that includes Laney Stadium Lot 61, Antioch Church (Lot 71-71A), Beulah Grove (Vision Village Lot 72), Goss Lane and The Dental College of Georgia (DCG).

Finally, as a reminder, the Blue Route shuttle stop providing service westbound to Summerville was moved in May to the bus shelter in front of Pavilion I on Laney-Walker.

The routes have been updated in the Passio GO app and should be updated on the website soon. Download the PassioGo App on iOS and Android devices to access specific JagExpress shuttle routes in real-time.

Be sure to read the “Messages” section in the app and check the Pardon Our Progress page in Jagwire for timely alerts about detours, construction and other relevant Parking and Transportation updates.

If you have questions, please email them to

Campus maps are also available on the Augusta University website.

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Written by
Denise Parrish

Denise Parrish is Director of Communications for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic at 706-721-9760 or

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