front of Greenblatt library

Greenblatt’s lecture series is looking for interested lecturers

The Augusta University Greenblatt Library, in conjunction with a traveling exhibit from the National Library of Medicine, began their History of the Health Sciences Lecture Series in 2012.

Open to the public, the lecture series is currently accepting lecturers who enjoy researching the historical aspects of the health sciences and want to share with others remarkable moments from the past.

Over the years, the series has featured topics by various speakers including chronic hemodialysis given by Dr. Robert Nesbit; medieval mental health questions by Dr. Wendy Turner; and the anatomical atlas, Gravid Uterus, by Bill Andrews, chair of the Department of Medical Illustration.

Celebrating the histories of the Dental College of Georgia, the College of Allied Health Sciences and the College of Nursing, the lecture series has covered a broad array of prominent Medical College of Georgia figures from the past including Dr. Edgar Pund, Dr. Virgil Sydenstricker, Dr. Robert B. Greenblatt and Grandison Harris.

For those interested in giving a presentation for the History of the Health Sciences Lecture Series, or if you have any questions or suggestions, contact Renée Sharrock or call 706-721-3444.

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Written by
Emily Lacey

Emily Lacey is a writer in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-6144

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