Get pumped for the Pink Pumpkin Party!

Have you ever pondered what a world without breast cancer would be like? Perplexed by the lack of a cure?

Then perhaps the Pink Pumpkin Party is right up your proverbial alley.

Put on your best pink attire and join us on Saturday, Oct. 3, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Maxwell Theatre for a fun-filled day of music, face-painting and pumpkin-decorating competition in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Think you have the design chops to pull-off the best pumpkin in show? Prizes will be awarded for first-, second- and third-place winners, and the cost of participation is $15 (which includes the cost of decorations). All proceeds will benefit the GRU Breast Cancer Support Group.

Those interested in participating can register here. Registration ends Sept. 22.

Have a child who also wants to participate? Don’t worry. There will be plenty of mini-pumpkins on hand just waiting to be prettified!

In addition to the festivities, the GRU Breast Cancer Team will be on scene for a meet and greet and are more than willing to answer any of your breast health questions.

This event is open to the public, so come party with us and help us put a stop to breast cancer forever!

For more information about the Pink Pumpkin Party, contact Chavone Hollimon at

To see a full listing of the GRU Cancer Center’s community events, visit


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Written by
Nick Garrett

Nick Garrett is a communications coordinator in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him at 706-446-4802 or

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