The Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University’s Department of Pediatrics will present the 2017 Ellington Charles Hawes Lectureship at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 12, at the Health Sciences Building, EC 1218.
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, commissioner of Georgia’s Department of Public Health, state health officer, board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and ASTHO president-elect, will be the guest speaker.
This year’s lecture topic is “Early Brain Development.”
Grace Steell Hawes established the Ellington Charles Hawes Chair in Pediatrics at the Medical College of Georgia in honor and recognition of her husband in February 1985. The Annual Hawes Lectureship was established in Pediatrics in April 1996.
View the brochure for additional information, however please note the new location: EC 1218.