People walking down the street
After going virtual in 2021, the Georgia Cancer Center's "Unite in the Fight Against Cancer" walk will return in person in March 2022.

Georgia Cancer Center kicks off registration and fundraising for Unite in the Fight Against Cancer 2022

It is an event created to bring the community together to celebrate cancer survivors and honor those who lost their lives to their disease. And, in 2022, the Georgia Cancer Center family is excited to welcome Unite in the Fight Against Cancer participants back to an in-person walk to bring awareness to every type of cancer.

“Everyone in our community has been touched by cancer in some way,” said Dr. Jorge Cortes, director of the Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University. “This is why we believe in bringing people together for this annual walk and fundraiser. It is our opportunity to show support to current cancer patients, their families, their friends, as well as honoring and remembering those we lost, while raising funds to support projects that have a direct impact in patient care.”

Money raised by participants will go to the Cancer Center’s Unite in the Fight Against Cancer Fund. This fund was created to offer financial support to projects designed to enhance the patient experience and improve support programs available to all cancer patients. Previous fundraising efforts have helped support a mental health initiative for breast cancer patients, fund art supplies for pediatric cancer patients receiving radiation therapy, and purchase equipment that allows staff to better access a patient’s veins for IV fluids.

“The Georgia Cancer Center is a regional cancer center that works hard at meeting the needs of different communities and populations from southeastern Georgia to western South Carolina,” said Dr. Anand P. Jillella, J. Harold Harrison, MD, Distinguished University Chair in Medical Oncology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

“The goal of this event is to engage our patients, their families and those communities to support our missions of patient care, research and education. While some of this support comes from general awareness, it also comes in the form of donation dollars.”

Unite in the Fight Against Cancer 2022 will move locations from Lucy C. Laney High School’s football stadium to the Bank of America Plaza located between the Medical College of Georgia and newly constructed College of Science and Mathematics on Augusta University’s Health Sciences Campus.

The walk will take place on Saturday, March 19, 2022. It will be a culmination of a week-long celebration that will bring awareness to all types of cancer to help participants and supporters learn more about cancer, how to prevent cancer, and what screening options are available to catch cancer earlier to improve the survival rate.

Participants can register for the walk as an individual or create a team with family and friends. Individuals and teams will determine a fundraising goal. Walkers can also purchase an official Unite in the Fight Against Cancer T-shirt that is being designed by Cancer Center employees as part of an internal T-shirt design contest.

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Chris Curry

Chris Curry is the Communications and Marketing Manager for the Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University. Contact him to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-799-8841 or

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Written by Chris Curry

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