Free food with a business lesson on the side

Augusta University Career Services hosts an annual Business Etiquette Dinner for students. On Tuesday, more than 50 students gathered for free food and a special presentation from Debra Lassiter, founder of the Etiquette & Leadership Institute.

Students dressed in their best attire to learn how to eat a meal alone or at a business event. The etiquette dinner gives students an advantage, Lassiter said. Often, their classmates don’t think of etiquette as an important business skill.

“In the job market right now it all about those details,” Lassiter said. “If we take care of as many as we can, then people are going to notice this as a positive.”

The annual etiquette dinner helps students build confidence that will set themselves apart from other students, Lassiter added.

“It is like when you know all the material for a test you feel good about yourself,” she said. “It’s the same thing if you know the components for the interview, the components of a handshake, dressing and dining. It gives you confidence that perhaps your classmates do not have.”

Learn more about Augusta University Career Services, a one-stop career development shop to assist students with career exploration, professional development, job search preparation, graduate or professional school preparation and access to jobs.

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