As of 2:20 p.m., all GreenJackets tickets have been claimed. Thank you to all who participated.
Stay tuned to Division of Communications and Marketing news spaces for all your future giveaway and Enterprise news!
Attention sports fans!
GRhealth is the official 2015 health care sponsor of the Augusta GreenJackets.
To celebrate this awesome partnership, the Division of Communications and Marketing is giving away General Admission ticket vouchers to an Augusta GreenJackets game of your choice – absolutely free!
Vouchers are good for the Friday, Sept. 4, Saturday, Sept. 5, and Sunday, Sept. 6 games.
Tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis and are limited to 10 per person.
The only catch? We want to see you!
To claim your tickets, visit the Division of Communications and Marketing office located on the first floor of Professional Building 1 (AD-1101). Mention this post at the front desk, and we’ll hook you up!
Never been to our office before? No worries. Professional Building 1 is located on the corner of 15th Street and Laney Walker Blvd., across the street from the Student Center on the Health Sciences campus.
See you soon!