The Higher Education and Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires that the university post all textbook information to include ISBN number and price prior to the start of registration. The JagStore holds the responsibility for ensuring that all information is posted. Please be sure to submit all information to the JagStore, even if it is not an item that will be sold through the JagStore. It is also important to note that many students rely on Financial Aid or grants to purchase their textbooks. These students are permitted to charge their books directly to their student account only at the JagStore.
Fall session textbook and course material requisitions are now due and may be submitted online here.
Why do you need my textbook and course material requisitions so early?
When the JagStore has your textbook and course material requisition information in hand, they are able to save our students money: The JagStore is able to pay your current students much more for their textbooks at the end of semester book buy back. Students receive up to 50% of the purchase price for books that have been adopted for an upcoming semester, are in the current edition, and are not over-stocked at the bookstore. When we have not received your adoption information, the students must sell their books to a used book wholesaler at a much lower rate, often less than 15% of the purchase price. It is also important to note that your next academic session students will have access to many more used textbooks if we can buy them back from current students.
The JagStore is able to make more books available as rentals. Renting a book is significantly cheaper than purchasing a book.
The JagStore is able to search for more used book inventory from many more outlets.
It allows the university to stay in compliance with the HEOA.
How much do students spend on textbooks?
Textbook and course material costs can represent as much as 40% of our students’ educational expense on our campus.
What can I do to help students save money on textbooks?
The JagStore is dedicated to reducing the cost of textbooks and course materials to our students, but we need your help.
Use caution when adopting special packages or bundles with special software or free items for our students from the publishers. While these may appear to offer a special value, when all is considered, the bundled package is generally more expensive. Packages and bundles almost eliminate our ability to rent the books to students or to locate used textbooks, which are 25% cheaper. Packages are also difficult or impossible to purchase back from students at the end of the academic session. Additionally, publisher packages and bundles are often not assembled until we place the order, causing delays in receiving, which is particularly troublesome for re-orders.
Consider using a title for the life of the edition or longer. This allows the bookstore to locate more used copies and purchase more copies back from our students at higher values. Notably, it also allows students to share textbooks among themselves more readily.
Consider partnering with your colleagues and adopt the same textbook for all or most sections of a course. This makes sharing of textbooks among students easier and also helps the bookstore locate more used copies of textbooks.
Consider the price of the textbook when making your adoption decisions. The JagStore staff will be happy to provide you with an estimated retail price or rental price for any book you are considering.
Consider making some textbooks “optional.” We will indicate to our students that the book is optional prior to their purchase.
Submit textbook and course material requisitions to the JagStore as soon as possible. This allows us to search for used textbooks from more sources for a longer period of time. Used textbooks are 25% cheaper than new textbooks and are the most effective way to reduce student textbook expenses. It also allows the JagStore to secure additional titles for the rental textbook program.
Notify the JagStore if you are requiring any special materials for class. The more you share with us, the better we will be able to help our students obtain the materials they need to help complete your classes successfully. It is not our intention to influence your course material choices. We merely want to make you aware of potential issues which can influence the cost of textbooks to our students.
For more information, contact Michelle Neely at the JagStore at 706-737-1611.